About Nurture:
Transition To School
Our Nurture Early Learning curriculum is designed specifically to give children the opportunity to develop confidence and competency in six main areas as they develop and grow in our centres.
These six areas are the basic fundamentals required to enter the New Zealand Primary School setting:
1. Relate to others..
showing confidence and respect.
2. Participate and contribute..
in small and large groups confidently bringing their understanding respectfully to others and taking responsibility for their own and others learning.
3. Manage themselves..
and take responsibility for their own belongings and make good pro-social choices.
4. Think and explore..
confidently with a wide range of physical movement, including balance, being upside down, left and right side coordination.
5. Use language symbols and text..
to demonstrate several school readiness skills including but not limited to:
telling and retelling their own stories
drawing their idea
writing own name using a capital followed by lower case letters
starting letters from the top and writing from left to right as we read
has a joy of reading, as well as some comprehension skills e.g. predicting and inferring
early numeracy of counting to ten forwards and backwards
in context mathematics of fractions, pattern dynamics, sorting and classifying
6. Take responsibility..
for their actions. Our Nurture children pride themselves in following our children’s centre values:
we take care of our things
we are kind to everyone
we keep ourselves safe
we listen to the teacher and make good choices